We have made it easy for you to share your beautiful visuals on social media.

From Editor

 1 Click Share button in the top bar. This will open the Share window.

 2 Turn on the Make this graphic public switch. By default, your visuals are private and only visible to you. To share them, you have to first make them public.

 3 When the visual is public, social media sharing buttons will become active. Click on the social media you want to share the visual on.

 4 You will be taken to the sharing page of the relevant social media platform. Follow their instructions and do the needful to post.

From Dashboard

 1 Go to My Graphics and find the visual you want to share.

 2 Hoover the mouse cursor over the thumbnail and click on the  button to open the menu.

 3 Select Share from the menu. This will open the same Share window mentioned above.

 4 Follow the same steps mentioned above to share the visual on the required social media.